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ASA Gets Stuck on Boot in EVE-NG

In this post I’m going to share with you how to fix the issue that you might have came through with ASAv images in EVE-NG that would prevent the ASAv from booting up.

Basically you would see the ASA getting stuck during the boot process at the very beginning and it won’t move on. Here is what you would see on the terminal screen when the ASAv is stuck:


To fix this issue we just need to go into the coredumpinfo directory and copy the coredump.cfg file to disk0 with the name of use_ttyS0. Here are the steps:


Step 1: Right click on the ASAv node in EVE-NG topology and click on Stop to power it off



Step 2: Right click on the ASAv node and click on Edit



Step 3: Change the Console mode from telnet (default) to vnc and save



Step 4: Right click on the ASAv node and click on Start to power it on



Step 5: Wait for the ASAv to boot up completely, go into config mode and apply the following commands



Step 6: Similar to step 1, right click on the ASAv node and click on Stop to power it off (no need to save the config on the ASA since the applied commands were just to copy the file)


Step 7: Similar to step 3, right click on the ASAv node, click on Edit, and change the console mode back to telnet and save



Step 8: Right click on the ASAv node and click on Start to power it on, now the ASA should complete the boot process with no issues.


This wraps up this post about ASAv images in EVE-NG.


Thank you for reading!

Posted in ASA, Blog, EVE-NG, Security, Tips & Tricks

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